Conference: Art | Sci | Tech
108th College Art Association
Chicago, IL
02.12 – 15.2020
Conference: Art | Sci | Tech
108th College Art Association
Chicago, IL
02.12 – 15.2020
Exhibition: Art | Sci | Tech | Crip Theory
SOMArts, San Francisco, CA
01.24 – 02.25.2020
Exhibition Workshop: Neurodivergent Media
SOMArts, San Francisco, CA
Published Article
The Conversation: Feedback Structures, Ways of Knowing, + Neurodivergence
PUBLIC #59: Interspecies Communication, 2019
Conference: Post-humanism
Poznan Supercomputing + Networking Cntr
Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
11.12 – 14.2019
Conference: Art | Sci | Tech
RIXC Center for New Media Culture
Riga, Latvia
07.04 – 06.2019
Film Screening
TR*MP TH*S! A One Year Anniversary of Resistance Experimental Response Cinema @ Museum of Human Achievement, Austin, TX, 01.21.2018
Film Screening
Fired! | 100 Days Action
Shapeshifters Cinema, Oakland, CA
Solo Film Screening + Performance
Neurodivergent Media
Shapeshifters Cinema, Oakland, CA
Autism Social Connection film / video booth
Bay Area Maker Faire
San Mateo, CA
05.20 – 22.2017
Autism Social Connection film / video booth
Bay Area Maker Faire
San Mateo, CA
05.20 – 22.2016
Autism Social Connection film / video booth
10th Annl Bay Area Maker Faire
San Mateo, CA
05.16 – 17.2015